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Archaeological and Historical Resources Survey of I-20 development in Douglas, Carroll, and Haralson Counties

Report Number
Year of Publication

The following report covers a survey of the archaeological and historical resources threatened with destruction by the future construction of Atlanta to Birmingham Interstate Route 20 in Douglas, Carroll, and Haralson Counties in Georgia. The survey was started in March 1971 by John H. House Field Archaeologist for the Archaeology Division of the Georgia Historical Commission under the general direction of Gordon M. Midgette, Staff Archaeologist, under contract with the State Highway Department of Georgia. The survey was provided for and federally funded under Section 305 of Title. 23 of the United States Code which provides for salvage of archaeological and paleontological remains threatened by federally funded highway construction. The survey was proposed to include sites of both prehistoric and historic Indian affiliation as well as sites of non-aboriginal historic affiliation.