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An Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Shoreline Areas at Nottely Lake, Union County

Report Number
Year of Publication

An archaeological survey of areas that border Nottely Lake in Union County, Georgia, was conducted for the Tennessee ',.,'alley Authority in order to locate, identify, and evaluate any cultural resources that occur within the drawdown shoreline areas prior to a proposed land exchange by the U.S. Forest Service. The shoreline areas of the Jack's Creek and Deaver Town tracts are under the jurisdiction of the Tennessee Valley Authority. The project area was intensively surveyed by pedestrian walkover and by subsurface techniques where warranted. Four previously recorded sites (JC#1-4) and three newly identified sites (JC#7-9) were recorded and evaluated at the Jacks Creek location. One previously identified but unrecorded site (DT#2) and two previously unidentified prehistoric archaeological sites (DT#1 and 3) were located at the Deaver Town tract. An additional site with prehistoric and historic components (DT#4) was located outside the boundaries of the Deaver Town tract. Because of their lack of contextual integrity and their limited information potential, no further work is recommended at the sites located on the TVA property.