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An Archaeological and Historical Survey of the Brandenburg Interstate Centere Project, Richmond County

Report Number
Year of Publication

A Phase I archeological and historical survey was conducted during mid-April 1994 of the Brandenburg Interstate Centre Project located in Richmond County, near Augusta, Georgia. The goal of this investigation was to locate, identify, and assess any aboriginal or historic cultural resources on the property and to determine the potential impact of future development on any identified resources. The project area was examined according to current historic preservation review standards for this level of investigation. Prior to initiation of field investigations a SHPO consultation was held in Atlanta in order to discuss the project's archeological and historical potential as well as planned field methodology. FAS recommended the use of mechanical augering as a primary field strategy to be supplemented by other standard techniques. The SHPO agreed to the FAS field strategy at this meeting. FAS closely followed approved methods during the completion of the investigation. The Brandenburg survey resulted in the identification of nine archeological deposits. These resources included Field Sites FAS #1 - FAS #10 (FAS #4 was voided during laboratory analysis). Of the resources identified, four are classified as archeological sites while the remaining five represent isolated finds. None of the nine deposits evaluated by National Register Criteria is deemed eligible for inclusion in the National Register.