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Phase III Mitigation Data Recovery at the F.M. Hall Site, 9EB44, Multi-component Site in Elbert County

Report Number
Year of Publication

From September 1990 until March 1991, New World Research, Inc. carried out a program of Phase 3 data recovery at 9Eb44, the F. M. Hall site in Elbert County, Georgia. The site was one of 20 discovered during Phase 1 survey of a proposed pipeline corridor. Subsequent Phase 2 testing revealed 9Eb44 to contain in situ deposits that retained integrity and offered good chronological control. As a result, the site was determined to be eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. Phase 3 data recovery was, therefore, conducted to mitigate the threat of adverse effect posed by pipeline construction to that portion of 9Eb44 contained within the pipeline right-of-way. Phase 3 excavations sampled 24% of the site within the right-of-way and investigated four discrete sectors containing cultural remains. Buried A-horizons were identified in three of the four areas. The site has produced evidence of activity during the Paleoindian Stage and occupation by Early and Middle Archaic, Middle Woodland, and Late Woodland/Early Mississippian populations; a small collection of artifacts also dates to the Middle and Late Mississippian periods. The analysis of data has provided for a reconstruction of site use through time and has also enabled us to offer some suggestions on culture sequence refinement.