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Archaeological Assessment of Project FR-12-1(59)Ct. 1, Floyd County, Summer Borrow Pit

Report Number
Year of Publication

Pursuant to an inquiry by Chip Morgan of DNR's Office of Historic Preservation regarding the above subject borrow facility, a field investigation was made by myself and Rowe Bowen of this office on February 15 1993. Mr. Morgan reported that he had been notified that a local citizen collected pottery and lithics from the borrow site and that GDOT was responsible for the borrowing activity. The borrow pit begins within the right-of-way and extends north and west of the new roadway. District materials personnel Lamar Payne informed me that approximately 20% of the borrow pit had been used for the Rome Bypass and most of that had come from within the right-of-way. The right-of-way was surveyed for archaeological resources but nothing of significance was noted. The remainder of the borrow pit has been used by other parties for various projects including construction of a new school. An examination of the borrow facility noted only a couple of chert flakes. Any site which existed within the current boundaries of the borrow pit has now been completely destroyed. A few feet west of the borrow pit an archaeological site was identified which occupies the west side of a relatively narrow ridge overlooking a wetland (see aerial photo). This topographic feature is an extension of the ridge used for borrow. The area has been clear cut by the owner, severely disturbing the thin layer of humus and clay subsoil. Pedestrian survey of this area yielded numerous chert flakes, six points (Early to Late Archaic) and two scrapers scattered on the surface. Current procedures for approving GDOT borrow pits and waste sites include surveying the sites for ecology, archaeology and history impacts. At present the area west of the existing borrow pit is not designated as a potential GDOT borrow source; however, if any borrow material is to be excavated from this site for GDOT use, a complete archaeological survey will be performed.