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Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey North End, Skidaway Island Chatham County, Georgia

Report Number
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An archaeological reconnaissance survey of a tract of land (approximately 15 acres) at the extreme north end of Skidaway Island, Chatham County, Georgia, was carried out on April 10 and 16, 1987, as a stated special condition for the issuance of Department of the Army Permit 074 OYN 006145. Two archaeological sites were found: (1) Remnants of a 20th century still, consisting of a well, a presumed brick hearth, and a thin scatter of metal fragments, bottles, and steel drums; and (2) a small buried shell midden (approximate 15' breadth, maximum linear scatter of 40', maximum shell lens thickness of 9", core area of site ca. 15' x 15') which did not yield any artifacts. Both are simple single component sites of small size with minimal artifact content, and are representative of common types in the region. On grounds of lack of complexity, low artifact concentrations, lack of any particular distinctiveness, and partial loss of integrity, both sites are recommended as ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places. A finding of no adverse effect is recommended.