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Archaeological Testing of 9CH872 Phase II of the Godley Tract, Chatham County, Georgia, Revised Draft Report

Report Number
Year of Publication

Archaeological testing investigations were conducted at 9CH872 in the Phase II portion of the Godley Tract 2-5 October 2000. Previous survey investigations by Hicks (1997) and Bailey and Poplin (1997) at 9CH872 determined the site potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The current testing investigations were conducted for The Branigar Organization to determine definitively the NRHP eligibility of the site. Investigators excavated forty-eight 50 by 50 cm test units, two 1 by 2 meter test units, and two 1 by 1 meter test units during testing investigations of 9CH872. Testing investigations focused on areas where artifact concentrations had been encountered during previous investigations at the site. Investigators recovered artifacts associated with prehistoric Ceramic Late Archaic to Mississippian occupations, as well as an eighteenth century historic occupation. Over the years the area has been planted in several generations of pine trees. The planting and harvesting of these trees has resulted in significant disturbance of soil deposits in the site area. While artifacts were recovered beneath the disturbed upper layer of soil, these artifacts were generally small lithic flakes that likely moved downward through bioturbation, pedoturbation, and activities related to silviculture. No cultural features or concentrations of artifacts suggesting buried occupation horizons were encountered in any test unit excavated at 9CH872. We recommend site 9CH872 not eligible for the NRHP. Additional management of this site is not warranted. Land disturbing activities at 9CH872 should be allowed to proceed as planned.