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Archaeological Evaluation of Project DPM-0011 (001), Fulton County

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Phase I archaeological investigations were conducted in accordance with "GDOT/FHWA Cultural Resource Survey Guidelines" developed by the GDOT Staff Archaeologists in consultation with DNR Historic Preservation Division Staff and concurred in by the Federal Highway Administration and State Historic Preservation Officer. These guidelines provide general survey boundaries and methodological approaches to archaeological surveys based on the type/scope of proposed transportation projects and are followed during the initial identification of archaeological resources. Investigation consisted of a Level I field survey and extensive background research. The project area is currently occupied by a combination of active railroad tracks, buildings and asphalt parking lots, with no area deemed suitable for surveying; therefore, no subsurface testing was conducted at this stage of investigations. The state site files at the University of Georgia and existing survey reports were consulted to locate previously identified archaeological sites within the proposed project's area of potential environmental effect. Historic maps, including Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps from the years 1899, 1911, and 1932, a 1929 Topographic quadrangle map, and maps showing original land lot, railways and city grids for 1837, 1845, 1850 and 1853 were examined to reconstruct the project area's development and land use patterns. Additionally, the "Cultural Resources Assessment for the Federal Center"[1993], the "Archaeological Impact Studies for the MARTA North and South Lines"[1979], the "Archaeological Impact Studies for the MARTA East and West Lines"[1977], and "Down Under: Archaeological and Historic Testing Phase Investigations in Underground Atlanta"[1986] were reviewed to develop an appropriate archaeological research context for the project area. Consultation with the staff of the Historic Preservation Division (HPD) was also conducted to determine the level of archaeological survey required. Background research suggests that very low probability exists for significant prehistoric sites to have survived the intensive historical disturbance and development in the project area. The area of downtown Atlanta in which the Terminal would be located is the oldest part of the City of Atlanta. . Therefore, there is a high probability that archaeological sites related to historic railroad activity could be located within the project area and affected by the implementation of the proposed project. Although no existing or eligible National Register archaeological resources were located within the project's area of potential environmental effect, it cannot be concluded that the project will have no effect upon archaeological resources on or eligible for inclusion in the NRHP, due to the fact no intensive subsurface archaeological testing was possible. Therefore, a stipulation will be include in the proposed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the resources affected by the proposed project requirinq that a Phase II testing program be developed in consultation with staff of HPD prior to construction and that ground disturbing activities on the project site related to the construction of the proposed Multi-Modal station passenger terminal be monitored for archaeological sites, in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (36 CFR Part 800.11(a) Planning for discoveries).