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Archeological Survey of a Proposed Water Pipeline, Hall and Gwinnett Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report presents the results of a Phase I archeological survey performed by Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc. in February of 2008 for a proposed water reuse pipeline in Hall and Gwinnett Counties, Georgia. The area of potential effect for the project consists of a corridor 3470 ft long. The water reuse pipeline will be 12 inches in diameter and will require a 10 ft wide permanent easement. As shown on plan maps, a temporary 30 ft wide construction easement will also be required. Two archeological sites were found during the survey. Both date to the prehistoric period and are characterized by scatters of quartz debris. Site 9GW626 has been badly disturbed by agriculture and the recent construction of a road in a new subdivision. It has little research potential and is recommended ineligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The second site, 9GW627, has dense deposits of quartz artifacts and appears to be relatively intact. This site is potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Additional archeological testing is needed to determine if it is a significant site. It may be possible to shift the alignment of the pipeline to avoid this site.