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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey for the Peters Road and Old Jonesboro Road 288-Acre Tract, Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In June 2001, TRC Garrow Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of a 288-acre tract in Fulton County, Georgia. The project tract is the proposed location for a power plant. All construction will occur on the western portion of the parcel. The project was undertaken on behalf of Black & Veatch Corporation. The archaeological survey was conducted June 4-7, 2001. Two prehistoric archaeological sites (9FU405 and 9FU406), one historic cemetery (9FU407) and five isolated finds were identified during the survey. Site 9FU405, a prehistoric lithic scatter, is recommended as ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Site 9FU406, a prehistoric lithic scatter with diagnostics dating to the Archaic and Early Woodland periods, is recommended as potentially eligible for the NRHP; if it cannot be preserved in place, Phase II archaeological testing should be undertaken. The five isolated finds are of low research potential and no further work is necessary at those locations. An archaeological delineation of the Peters Cemetery was conducted on June 6, 2001. A cemetery disturbance permit application must be filed before project implementation according to the Abandoned Cemeteries and Burial Grounds Act (ยง 3672), whether the cemetery is to be preserved in place or relocated. Chapter VI of this document will serve as the Archaeologist's report, required as part of a cemetery disturbance permit application. The historic architecture survey was conducted on June 6 and 7, 2001. Pedestrian and vehicular reconnaissance of the project's Area of Potential 'Effects (APE) was undertaken to locate architectural resources 50 years old or older. The APE was defined as the proposed power plant site, plus any surrounding areas that would have a visual connection to the proposed plant. In all, two historic structures were identified within the APE. Even though one of the historic resources is within the actual parcel to be purchased, it will remain physically unaffected by the proposed project. TRC recommends both historic structures ineligible for the NRHP because of alterations that have compromised their integrity. Based on this recommendation, no further historic structures survey work is required.