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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey for the City of Atlanta CSO Treatment Facility, Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In January 2002, TRC Garrow Associates, Inc., conducted a cultural resources survey of a 50acre tract in Fulton County, Georgia. The project was undertaken on behalf of Montgomery Watson/Khafra. It included both archaeological and historic structure surveys. The project tract is the proposed location for the West Area CSO treatment facility for the City of Atlanta. Present construction plans call for a 50-foot high building to be constructed in the northeastern corner of the project tract. The archaeological survey was conducted January 10-11, 2002. A check of the Georgia Archaeological Site File indicated that one previously recorded site was located within the project tract, 9FU236. The site form indicated that it was of unknown National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) standing and that it had been destroyed. This site was relocated during the systematic survey and shovel tested. Based on the results of fieldwork, it is recommended as potentially eligible for the NRHP. Two additional prehistoric archaeological sites (9FU414 and 9FU415) and one historic site composed of Civil War entrenchments (9FU413) were discovered during the survey. Sites 9FU413 and 9FU414 are recommended as potentially eligible for the NRHP. Site 9FU415 is recommended as ineligible for the NRHP; no further work is necessary at that location. The historic architecture survey was conducted on January 21, 2002, and sought to identify all structures 50 years or older within the project's Area of Potential Effects (APE). The APE was defined as the proposed treatment facility site, plus any surrounding areas that would have a visual connection to the proposed facility. Pedestrian and vehicular reconnaissance of the project's APE was undertaken to locate architectural resources 50 years old or older. Only modern residences, located on Nancy Creek Road and Ridgewood Road, are presently visible from the proposed treatment facility site. If the wooded areas to the south and west of the proposed facility site are not disturbed, impacts to resources in the surrounding area should be negligible. No historic structures were identified within the APE and no farther historic structures survey work is required.