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9CY(DOT)4, Unpublished Field Notes Volume III

Report Number
Year of Publication

Site 9Cy(DOT)4 is represented by the remains of an historic house site. The site is located in Bluffton, Georgia, east of US 27/SR 1 near the southern city limits in a heavily overgrown area. The site is partially within the required right-of-way for GDOT project EDS-27(148), Clay County. Two brick chimney falls and four sets of cinder block steps define the structures previous location. According to a local resident, the previous structure had been built by the Blocker family around the turn of the century, and was demolished about 10 years ago. The structure is present on the Bluffton Quadrangle 1973 USGS map. A low frequency of brick and window glass was noted but not recovered from three of ten shovel tests excavated to sterile subsoil. No surface features such as a well or privy were located during the survey. The site area was estimated to be approximately 30 meters X 60 meters based on shovel tests and surface rubble. Red clay subsoil was present at or near the surface indicating disturbance during demolition. Based on the degree of site disturbance, low artifact frequency and variety, and the low potential for intact sub-surface features or deposits, site 9Cy(DOT)4 is recommended as not eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. No further cultural resource management consideration is recommended.