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Phase 1 and Phase 2 Site Assessment of Site 9GE52(GA08-1158) Within the AT&T Easement Crossing The Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest

Report Number
Year of Publication

From July 23 to 28, 2001 BHE conducted a Phase I survey of the proposed fiber optic cable alignment in AT&T's existing fiber optic cable corridor through the Chattahochee-Oconee National Forest in Greene County, Georgia. The fiber optic easement within the Chattahochee-Oconee National Forest is part of a larger segment that runs from Atlanta, Georgia, to Charlotte, North Carolina. The corridor survey areas were divided into three segments from western to eastern Greene County (A, B, and C). The easternmost Segment C, was divided into separate western and eastern portions. High probability areas (i.e. areas with known archaeological sites, drainage terraces, or gently sloping and level uplands) in all three segments were shovel tested surveyed at 15-meter sample loci (SL) intervals. Low probability areas (i.e. drainages, wet areas, slopes, and places of modern ground disturbance) were visually surveyed at 15-meter intervals. At the same time, a Phase II study and assessment was conducted on 9GE52 (GA08-1158) an archaeological site previously recorded and was believed to be potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. The Phase II study found that the area being affected by the proposed project was not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Other areas of this archaeological site outside of the project boundaries might still be eligible to the National Register of Historic Places.