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Phase 1 Archaeological Investigation and Historic Architecture Survey of the Powder Springs Parkway, Cobb County, Georgia

Report Number
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A Phase I archaeological investigation and a historic architecture survey for the proposed Powder Springs Parkway were conducted by Garrow & Associates, Inc., in February 1996. The proposed right-of-way is approximately 2.2 miles long, not including side streets. The parkway will run roughly east-west along the north side of Powder Springs, following the alignment of the former Seaboard Railroad bed for most of its length. The western terminus will be at the C. H. James Parkway and Business Route 6, while the eastern terminus will be at a point west of the intersection of Powder Springs Road and Hopkins Road. The proposed corridor will cross Old Lost Mountain, New Macland, and Forest Hill Roads. From the west end of the corridor to the intersection of Powder Springs and Forest Hill Roads, the parkway will be constructed in undeveloped and underdeveloped areas. The remaining section to the east end of the corridor and those sections of the side streets adjacent to the corridor will follow existing right-of-way, which will be improved through widening. The Phase I archaeological investigation located one prehistoric archaeological site (9CO503). It is recommended ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The historic architecture survey identified 21 historic architectural resources in the area of potential effects (APE). Of the 21, four are recommended eligible for the NRHP, and two are recommended potentially eligible; the rest are recommended ineligible due to loss of integrity. All of the resources have been evaluated using the NRHP criteria for evaluation in 36 CFR Part 60.4. The four resources recommended eligible include a ca. 1920 bungalow dwelling with Craftsman-style detailing, located at 3595 Old Lost Mountain Road (HS-2); a ca. 1850s central hallway dwelling at 3600 Old Lost Mountain Road (HS-3); a ca. 1932 L-shaped dwelling with English Vernacular Revival- and Craftsman-style detailing, located at 3774 Old Lost Mountain Road (HS-7); and a ca. 1908 bungalow dwelling with Craftsman-style detailing, located at 3625 Powder Springs Road (HS-18). The two resources recommended potentially eligible are the ca. 1906 abandoned CSX (formerly Seaboard) rail bed (HS-1) and the Powder Springs National Register Historic District (HS-21). The district lies south of the main portion of the APE but extends west to Old Lost Mountain Road and east to the rear of the lots fronting the west side of New Macland Road. The abandoned rail corridor and the historic district are recommended potentially eligible in this" study because of their undetermined status with the Historic Preservation Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources (HPD). The HPD has not yet made a formal determination of NRHP eligibility for the former Seaboard rail corridor through north Georgia or the segment through Cobb County. The section between Rockmart (Polk County) and Fulton County has, however, been declared a likely candidate for the Georgia Rails Into Trails Society (GRITS) program, because it retains its scenic qualities, its bed is mostly intact and visible, and several associated structures remain along the line (de Kok 1991). The NRHP listing of the Powder Springs Historic District was voted down by a majority of property owners in April 1988. The HPD and the Georgia National Register Review Board confirmed the district's eligibility for the NRHP but could not recommend its listing due to the vote of the property owners. The HPD has never submitted the district nomination to the Keeper of the NRHP for a formal eligibility determination; thus, it remains on hold with a determination of potential NRHP eligibility.