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An Archaeological Survey of the Sidewalks and Bike Trails Along State Highway 18 in Gray, Jones County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This project was conducted for the City of Gray that proposes to develop sidewalks and bike trails in Gray, Jones County, Georgia. The trails will be constructed within the proposed 28.5ha. (70.5 acre) park south of Gray along State Highway 18 adjacent to an existing park. The park is located east of the Central of Georgia railroad, south of Nature's Walk subdivision, north of Morton Road, and west of Bateman Lane and Recreation Road. The sidewalks will be constructed in the right-of-way along State Highway 18 and Alan Green Drive and will connect the park to Gray Station School to the north. The visual inspection of the tract revealed that clearcutting, borrowing activities, and razing have all occurred resulting in severe erosion removing most of the topsoil across the project area. Surface examination was the predominate methodology used to determine if cultural resources were present. The subsurface of the area was only randomly tested and included 20 shovel tests. A single historic domestic dwelling occupied from the mid-1800s to the early 1900s was identified by a scatter of domestic refuse on the surface. The site has been razed and eroded resulting in complete destruction of the site. The site is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places due to the lack of site integrity, cultural material, and research potential.