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Phase I Investigation of the OC Gas Range, Federal Law Enforcement Center, Glynn County, Georgia

Report Number
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The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), Glynn County, Georgia, is proposing to construct a gas range where law enforcement personnel will be trained in crowd and riot control. The range will measure 700 ft. x 300 ft aligned on a NE/SW aspect. Range activities will consist of paint ball exercises and mock tear gas attacks. Most training activities will occur at the northern end of the range. Trailers for offices will be moved to the northeastern corner. A small parking area will be provided to accommodate instructor vehicles. The trailers will rest on dirt pads; the parking area will be made of recycled asphalt shingles. An existing dirt road will provide access to the range. Julie Morgan and Judy Wood, archeologists, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, investigated the project area for cultural resources on July 24-26, 2001. The area was shovel tested to locate, identify and evaluate cultural resources. No resources were located.