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A Cultural Resources Investigation of the Back Gate Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynn County, Georgia

Report Number
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The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), Glynn County, Georgia, is proposing to widen an existing single lane perimeter fence road that leads out of the back (commercial) gate. A motel is being constructed off-center to house over-flow students. In order to alleviate excess traffic the students will be bussed from the motel to the center. The road will be widened 50 ft. to allow the busses to pass one another. The project area encompasses approximately 1.23 acres (Figure 1). Julie Morgan and Judy Wood, archeologists, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, investigated the project area for cultural resources in October, 2001. The area was shovel tested to locate, identify and evaluate cultural resources. A 20`h Century dump area was located on the surface of a road/firebreak and in 3 shovel tests. Due to the disturbed context and to the recent age of the artifacts (>50 yrs) no site number was assigned.