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Cultural Resource Survey Copeland Road Number 1274, Compartment 191, Oconee Ranger District

Report Number
Year of Publication

The following report summarizes a cultural resource survey of proposed U.S. Forest Service Road Number 1274, scheduled for construction during 1977. The road is located in compartment 191 (27) of the Oconee National Forest, west of County Road Number 42, Cold Springs Road. The proposed route begins along County Road 42 at a point approximately 4.15 kilometers (2.55 miles) north-northeast of the point where Highway 278/12 crosses the Oconee River; approximately 4.8 kilometers (3 miles) west of the intersection of County Road 42 and Highway 15; approximately 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) southwest of the Oakland Fire Tower; and approximately 40 meters northwest of an existing dirt road. From this point the proposed route extends southwesterly along or adjacent to the existing dirt road for approximately 1.4 kilometers (.85 miles). At this point the proposed route turns in a southerly direction, then extends for approximately .3 kilometers (.15 miles) before terminating.