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Georgia Project APD-056-2(1), Forsyth-Dawson-Lumkpkin, Determination of Eligibility and Finding of No Adverse Effect

Report Number
Year of Publication

Enclosed is information obtained through coordination with the Georgia DOT on an archeological site, specifically identified as 9Lu(DOT)l, which is partially within the proposed right-of-way of the subject project. In accordance with 36 CFR 800.4, the enclosed information is being furnished as part of our continuing consultation with you on the project, and we request your review and comments. After reviewing all available material and by applying the National Register Criteria found in 36 CFR 800.10, it is our opinion that site 9Lu(DOT)1 is eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places with a State level of significance. In our earlier discussions, you have indicated that you concur in our opinion. If you so advise, a request for Determination of Eligibility will then be forwarded to the Department of Interior using the abbreviated format described in 36 CFR 63.3. As a second consideration, we ask for your concurrence in ourfinding of "No Adverse Effect". Through early consultation with the Georgia DOT and the State Archeologist, we consider the site not to be worthy of preservation in place and suggest that mitigation through excavation would be appropriate. Our finding results from applying the criteria from the enclosed guidelines of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation published in "11593", Volume 2, No. 2 of April 1977 (a publication of the National Park Service Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation). The criteria is repeated here for your convenience.