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Interstate 675 and Soapstone Ridge Documentation Pertaining to Eligibility, Criteria of Effect and Measures to Minimize Harm

Report Number
Year of Publication

Soapstone Ridge is a geological entity situated in southern DeKalb County, Georgia. Numerous Archaic steatite quarry and workshop sites have been located on the Ridge. Interstate 675 is being proposed to follow an existing developed transportation corridor north-south across the Ridge. While such an action would normally conflict with archaeological resources, planning for 1-675 has been accomplished in a manner conducive to the preservation of sites. A 140 acre tract on Soapstone Ridge is currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places. However, determinations of eligibility have not been requested for the entire Ridge or for any other sites on the Ridge. Data has not been developed which would allow for nomination of the entire Ridge: the survey report concerning the archaeology on the Ridge has only indicated that the individual sites are eligible. The Department of the Interior should be able, from the information presented herein, to assess the eligibility of the site to be impacted by 1-675. DOI should also be able to comment on the best means of handling the archaeological resources on the Ridge in toto. The potential effects to Soapstone Ridge and to the site impacted by 1-675 include the following: Effects On Soapstone Ridge: 1. There will be a temporary increase in noise levels during project construction. 2. Predicted noise levels will increase following project construction; however, noise levels will be within Federal guidelines for residential land uses. 3. There will be a temporary increase in dust levels during construction, although air pollution control measures will be implemented. 4. There will be some slight surface erosion during construction of the project. 5. There will be a loss of naturally occurring vegetation due to right-of-way acquisition. 6. No known archaeological sites will be destroyed on the Ridge as a result of highway construction. Effects On Archaeological Site 9Da69: 1. 1-675 will preserve the archaeological site in situ within the right-of-way limits. Part of the site is already within existing 1-285 right-of-way. 2. The site will be isolated from its natural environment (a negligible effect since part of the site is within existing interstate right-of-way and is currently bisected by fencing). 3. The presence of an interstate highway will alter the environmental setting of the site: however, as stated above, an interstate highway is already located in this area (1-285). 4. Noise levels at the site will increase, although no standards for noise acceptability at archaeologic sites have been established. Thus, it can be seen that the effects will be minimal. The measures to minimize harm include the following: 1. In situ preservation of the site. 2.Internal fencing with retention of natural vegetation. 3. No interchanges which would increase access on the Ridge.