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On Site Inspection: Lauderdale Subdivision, South Carolina

Report Number
Year of Publication

During the entire evaluation of the property and in all of the small trowel cuts that we made not one shred of evidence of a prehistoric or historic site could be found. No stone chips, no artifacts, no pottery sherds, no soil discoloration that would indicate a living area, nor any other evidence of an archeological site on this particular piece of property was found. I am enclosing a copy of a map indicating the areas we walked for your information, there might be one or more archeological sites on this property. If such sites do, exist, however, they will be discovered by fortuitous land clearing activity or by very expensive intensive archeological survey with shovel testing. It is my professional opinion that the potential for finding such sites is so minimal that the intensive survey is not called for. I would, therefore, recommend no further archeological work be required on this 31 acres of the project but that the developer be requested to report any-fortuitous finds of chipped stone tools, pottery fragments or other archeological materials that might be identified during construction.