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Archaeological Reconaissance, Camp Creek, Clayton County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Since March 4th, the inventory files of other archeological institutions and the files of the Historic Preservation Section have been obtained and checked-off against the project maps. The two treatment plants, proposed for expanded facilities, have been surveyed, as well as a portion of the Camp Creek Interceptor. Three sites previously recorded have been shown to be so disturbed as to be devoid of original contextual data. One prehistoric site, discovered by the field staff, has been initially recorded. Heavy rains, accompanied by flooding, have hampered field work for three days. A total of thirty-six listings were received, through the courtesy of Mr. Donald Klima. Again, there appears to be some slight confusion and one or two sites might have multiple listings to be corrected by field check. At present, no site listed appears to be directly impacted upon by the proposed construction, although two (Mundy's Mill and the Thomas House) might be shown to be affected by secondary impact. This also will have to be checked by in-field research. In addition to the DNR listings, there are forty-four historical markers shown for Clayton County (see Scruggs) indicating places and events of historic note. These will be plotted on the county highway map and then checked in the field if any seem to occur within the research area. Any sites found in addition to the above, within the research area, will be included in the final report.