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Clayton County 201 Waste Water Facilities Study Archaeological Reconaissance, Addendum to the Archaeological Report: Paleoindian Sites, Clayton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Site 9-Cn-48, located on a high hill well back from a branch of Pate's Creek, yielded several artifacts typical of the Paleo Indian Period (?-8,000 B.C.). A late Paleo Indian Quad projectile point was located in an eroding road bed along with two retouched flakes (both may be prismatic blakes) and a number of chert flakes, of unusual material. Two nondiagnostic biface fragments and an earred biface proximal end (but not ground like the typical Quad projectile point) were also located. The majority of this material was collected in an eroding farm road. An adjacent cornfield yielded only the chert earred biface mentioned above, and a few quartz tools and flakes which are probably from a small Archaic component (no diagnostic quartz tools were recovered). Since most of the material was located in the roadbed, which was cut considerably lower than the field, it is possible that an undisturbed soil strata containing Paleo Indian material may exist below the plow zone in the field.