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Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Tobesokee Creek Reservoir, City of Forsyth, Monroe County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The following report presents the results of an archaeological survey conducted within a portion of the Tobesofkee Creek drainage in Monroe County, Georgia. The survey was conducted by Garrow & Associates, Inc., under contract to the city of Forsyth, Georgia, prior to inundation of the area by a proposed reservoir project. No previously discovered sites were recorded for this area in the Georgia site files. The present survey was successful in locating five prehistoric mites within the drainage area, and documented prehistoric use of this area during the Middle Archaic, Late Archaic, and Woodland Periods. Of these sites, one is situated within the impoundment zone and two are located on slopes within the construction impact area of the proposed dam. The remaining two sites are outside the project area and were found within access roads to the proposed Tobesofkee Creek reservoir.