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A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Dodge Transmission Line and Substation Dodge County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

A cultural resources survey of the proposed Dodge County transmission line and substation was conducted in March 1986, by Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc., for Oglethorpe Power Corporation. The project area includes approximately 5.6 km (3.3 mi) of transmission line and a 4.0 ha (10 ac) tract for a proposed substation. Five archeological sites and two occurrences were discovered. All five sites represent large but diffuse prehistoric lithic scatters, and three of these sites exhibit historic material as well. Due to the extremely low density of artifacts, combined with the high degree of surface exposure, the unproductivity of shovel testing, and the lack of temporally diagnostic artifacts, none of the sites are considered to be culturally or scientifically significant resources. These sites do not appear to meet the criteria for eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places. Oglethorpe Power Corporation's proposed construction should not adversely affect the integrity of these sites, and it is the recommendation of the principal investigator that the project be given clearance to proceed.