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Preliminary Field Report: Effects Mitigation Studies, Cultural Property GP-FL-11 (9F1141), Rocky Mountain Project

Report Number
Year of Publication

Under contract with the Georgia Power Company, the firm of Resource Analysts, Inc. (Bloomington, Indiana) is conducting effects mitigation studies under the terms of the Cultural Resource Management Effects Mitigation Plan, Rocky Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Station, Floyd County, Georgia. The following is a preliminary field) report conducted at cultural property GP-Fl-11 (Ridgefield Property). This report discusses methods and preliminary results of work undertaken at this property. It will provide Georgia Power Company and appropriate review authorities with the information required to determine if a release for construction can be issued. It is also important to note that Georgia Power Company assigns cultural property numbers to all properties included in project- or area-specific resource management plans prepared for or by the Company (see following page). In addition to these enumerations, state archaeological site numbers are acquired when appropriate. The assigned state site number in this case is 9Fll41. Lastly, it should be noted that Resource Analysts has inadvertently used the enumeration "GP-FL-11" in this report. The correct enumeration is GP-F1-11.