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A Preliminary Site Report for Archaeological Salvage Undertaken at 9GE146

Report Number
Year of Publication

9Ge146 is located on a relict levee-to the Horseshoe Bend of the Oconee River. The site is located between the Oconee and an abandoned river channel. The site consists of a thin scattering of cultural debris covering an area of approximately 5,000 square meters. Surface collections and porthole testing suggested Lamar, Cartersville, and Archaic components, with indications of deep deposits. Since test excavations had not been undertaken at 9Gel46 during the 1975 survey, early stages of work at 9Gel46 concentrated on locating areas of dense occupation for extensive excavation. The location of Archaic activity areas was of prime consideration. Excavation of such areas was expected to yield tool assemblages and features which would provide data for a functional interpretation of the site. Features were expected to yield subsistence data and perhaps indicate the season(s) of occupation. Site 9Ge146 would then be interpreted vis a vi Archaic and Woodland settlement systems for the reservoir area. Since preliminary testing indicated that Archaic occupation levels were located at approximately 1.5 meters below the surface, extensive backhoe testing was utilized to locate areas of concentrated activity. Profiles of backhoe tests were cleaned to locate buried occupation floors, and backdirt piles were trowelled to recover artifacts to locate concentrations. One hundred thirty-three meters of trench were excavated. Non diagnostic artifacts were located, and no deeply buried Archaic occupations were exposed. Artifact yield consisted of a few.