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A Cultural Resources Reconnaisance of the Proposed Amity Recreation Area Clarks Hill Lake, Lincoln County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

A cultural resource reconnaissance of the proposed Amity Recreation Area (100 acres) was performed by John Jameson, staff archeologist with Savannah District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), on 10-13 September 1985. Three (3) sites, one prehistoric (No. 9Lc25) and two (2) historic (Nos. 9Lc26 and 9Lc27) were recorded. Sites 9Lc25 and 9Lc27 do not appear to meet National Register criteria, and, are therefore, determined not eligible for nomination. The eligibility of site 9Lc26 has not been determined. Site 9Lc26 is an historic farmstead and associated grave site. It is recommended that, pending a National Register eligibility determination, site No. 9Lc26 be avoided by project construction, and that additional precautions, such as the positioning of trails and pathways away from the site area and site monitoring, be employed to discourage indirect impacts and vandalism. If impacts cannot be avoided, a site evaluation and mitigation program, including archeological testing and possible reinternment of the grave site, should be carried out.