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Archaeological Investigations for Proposed Roadway Reconstruction Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park

Report Number
Year of Publication

Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park (CHCH) contacted the Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) for assistance with a project to rehabilitate several roads within the park which are in poor condition and, in one case, which had been moved from its original alignment. In addition to concerns about impacts to battle-related resources, CHCH asked SEAC archeologists to assess the potential effects on the stone-lined drainage ditches that were constructed when the park was initially established. Over one weekend in August of2003, SEAC archeologists with the aid of nine volunteers conducted a systematic metal detecting survey in orderto assess the impact of proposed construction. The survey demonstrated that there are no intact battle-related resources within the narrow road corridors, however, impact to the stone ditches is likely. This survey helps to fulfill the park's obligation under the National Historic Preservation and the Guidelines of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (36CFR Part 800) to determine whether the undertaking will adversely affect cultural resources and, if so, provide appropriate remedy. While SEAC concludes that there will be no adverse effect on battle-related archeological resources, it recommends consultation with Cultural Landscape and Historic Structures specialists and the state SHPO concerning the stone-lined ditches.