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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey, Verastar Auto Auction Storage Facility Effingham County, Georgia

Report Number
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New South Associates has completed a cultural resources survey of Verastar Savannah Auto Auction storage facility in Effingham County, Georgia. The objective of this survey was to identify historical and archaeological resources in the project's area of potential effect that might be affected by the development of the facility. The survey covered 20-ha (50-ac) . Background research indicated that the northern two-thirds of the Verastar project area had been surveyed previously for a proposed power station . The prior survey had identified Site 9EF245 in the present Verastar project area. This prehistoric camp was judged eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Surface collection and close-interval shovel tests during the present survey indicated that the site has lost its integrity as a result of clearing and grading . All artifacts came from displaced surface deposits and no evidence for buried archaeological materials or features was identified. Although the site was initially recommended eligible for the NRHP because of its research potential, the loss of integrity detracts from its ability to yield significant data for the study of regional prehistory. Therefore it is recommended that the site's NRHP status be changed to not eligible. The remainder of the project area encompassed wetlands that had a low potential for archaeological resources, and no additional archaeological materials were found in previously unsurveyed locations. Further, the project APE did not contain any structures over 50 years old. The Verastar Savannah project area thus does not contain any significant cultural resources and no further historic preservation work is recommended for the project.