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Additional Information Regarding Site 9SP66 in Spalding County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During the original investigation of the proposed Triangle Project, an approximate 60.96 m (200 ft) wide pipeline corridor was surveyed for archaeological sites and architectural resources. During that investigation Site 9SP66 was identified. and subsequently recorded; the site is situated within the Area of Potential Effect associated with the proposed Triangle Project natural gas pipeline. Examination of Site 9SP66 revealed a sparse artifact assemblage and no evidence of an intact cultural midden. In addition, the structure was not identified with any historical individual. While construction of the proposed Triangle Project will impact this site, the site has little, if any, demonstrative research potential. The, site does not possess the qualities of significance as defined by the National Register of Historic Places criteria for evaluation (36 CFR 60.4 [a-d]). No additional testing of the site or recordation of the associated structure is recommended.