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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey for Proposed North Oconee Sewerage Facilities Project, Hall County, Georgia

Report Number
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TRC conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey for the proposed North Oconee Sewerage Facilities project in Hall County, Georgia, near New Holland, from March to August 2004. The project was undertaken for Wiedeman & Singleton. The survey included both archaeological and historic structures surveys. The project area consists of 63,300 linear feet for force mains and gravity sewer lines and two pump stations. These lines include the force main at the southwestern part of the project area, an additional force main, Gravity Sewer Lines A, C, and D, a small segment of Gravity Sewer Line B, and two proposed pump stations. The pump stations will consist of no more than 5 acres each. The corridor is 50 feet in width. Two reroutes also were examined along Gravity Sewer Lines C and D. In these locations, the route was moved to the opposite side of the North Oconee River. The archaeological survey involved documentation of all archaeological sites and cultural features within the project corridor. A review of the state site files showed that no previously identified archaeological sites had been reported in the project corridor. One new archaeological site, 9HL500, was identified during the current survey. Site 9HL500 is recommended as ineligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). No additional cultural resources investigations are recommended for this site. The historic structures survey was conducted in order to locate architectural resources 50 years old or older within the project APE. The APE was defined as the area in which the proposed project would physically or visually affect any historic architectural resources. With that in mind, the APE was judged to lie in close proximity to the project corridor, as the proposed sewer lines will be entirely underground. The APE around the proposed pump station was defined as the 5 acres site itself because the station will remain screened by existing trees that surround the site. The survey identified one historic architectural resource within the project APE: Head's Mill, a NRHP listed site. Head's Mill is located within the APE of the proposed Gravity Sewer Line C. The proposed Line C will run along Whitehall Road through the Head's Mill complex. While proposed construction will have no direct impact on the mill structures, TRC recommends that no blasting take place along this road, and that vibration monitors be placed at the structures to ensure that vibration from construction does not adversely impact the structures on this property.