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Cultural Resources Overview of the Proposed Southern Natural Gas Company 30 in O.D. South Main 2nd Loop Line Expansion, Crawford and Monroe Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Phase I cultural resources survey and inventory of the 30 in O.D. South Main 2nd Loop Line Expansion pipeline right-of-way is scheduled to begin in July 1996 and will be conducted by R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc., on behalf of Southern Natural Gas Company. The entire length and width of the selected right-of-way will be surveyed for cultural resources utilizing pedestrian reconnaissance augmented by systematic subsurface testing. Fieldwork also will include an examination of all access roads, expanded workspaces, associated road, rail, or water crossings, drilling areas, and all associated warehouse and/or pipe or equipment storage areas. Each of these areas will be inventoried for cultural resources prior to their use by Southern Natural Gas Company. The archeological inventory is designed to identify, record, and assess preliminarily all cultural resources situated within the undisturbed portions of the proposed pipeline right-of-way. A three-step approach will be utilized to complete this cultural resources inventory. The process consists of (1) cartographic, archival, and archeological review of relevant existing data; (2) pedestrian survey and systematic shovel testing of the undisturbed portions of the proposed pipeline corridor; and (3) recordation and preliminary assessment of all previously recorded and newly discovered cultural resources loci.