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Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Hickory Log Creek Reservoir Site Cherokee County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During the periods of September 14 through September 21, 1999 and December 30, 1999 through January 3, 2000, R.S. Webb & Associates conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey and literature review of the proposed Hickory Log Creek Reservoir Site in Cherokee County, Georgia. The project area consists of a 140-hectare tract northeast of the city of Canton. Areas were intensively surveyed to the 323-meter [m (1060-foot)] normal pool elevation line. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) was defined as extending 46-m (150 feet) from the normal pool elevation line. A review of the state site files, historic structures files and the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) files revealed that no historic structures or cultural resource sites have been previously recorded in the current project area. A total of eight cultural resource sites (9CK1071through 9CK1074 and 9CK1090 through 9CK1093) and one isolated find (IF-1) were identified within the project area during the current field survey. All eight sites are prehistoric lithic scatters with no culturally diagnostic artifacts associated with them. The isolated find is prehistoric as well. Site 9CK1073 is considered to be potentially eligible for the NRHP and Phase II testing is recommended to assess eligibility. The remaining prehistoric resources are recommended ineligible for the NRHP. The visual survey of structures within the APE revealed one historic house with two associated outbuildings that are not listed on the Cherokee County Structure Survey. This complex, the Stafford Home Place, is recommended potentially eligible for the NRHP. Based on current project plans, the complex will be directly impacted by the impoundment of the Hickory Log Reservoir.