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The Old Home Place: 5 Farm Sites along the Savannah River

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report presents a synthesis of archeological, pedological, geological and palynological investigations undertaken in the Richard B. Russell Multiple Resource Area, Georgia and South Carolina, during 1979-1981. These investigations were conducted in this portion of the Savannah River Piedmont as part of the Russell project's multi-disciplinary Early Man-Early Environments program. The results of the study show minimal Paleoindian period representation. An increase was noted in the first part of the Early Archaic, followed by a possible decrease in utilization of the area. The first significant occupation in the project area occurs during the Morrow Mountain phase of the Middle Archaic period. With some slight perturbations, the archeological record remains relatively constant after this point. The palynological study, in most respects, mirrors and complements similar studies in other nearby areas. The pedological and geological studies outlined the presence of four stratigraphic units with sub-divisions. The geological study also correlated periods of differing deposition with fluctuations in precipitation and temperature, as well as characterizing the adjacent upland vegetation in terms of relative stability.