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Phase II National Register Testing and Evaluation of Site 9MF932, McDuffie County, Georgia

Report Number
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Phase II National Register testing and evaluation was completed at archeological Site 9MF932 located within McDuffie County, Georgia. The fieldwork was conducted by R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc., in September of 2008; it was completed on behalf of Elba Express Company, a subsidiary of the El Paso Corporation. This investigation entailed National Register eligibility testing of Site 9MF932,which may be impacted by the proposed Elba Express Pipeline Project (HPD File No. HP-060217-004). The research was conducted to assess site stratigraphy, spatial distribution of the associated archeological deposits, and determine the nature of cultural deposits and features contained within the site area, as well as to assess the significance of the site applying the National Register of Historic Places Criteria for Evaluation (36 CFR 60.4[a-d]). Site 9MF932 was identified during the investigation of Variance 130 and within the flood plain of Little River. The site measured approximately75 by 55 m (246.1 by 180.5 ft) in extent, and mixed regrowth and hardwood forest was the predominant vegetation noted throughout the area. Phase I fieldwork led to the recovery of35 plain ceramic sherds, two decorated ceramic sherds, and a single non-diagnostic white quartz/quartzite flake. Many of the recovered sherds possessed fiber temper and appeared to be related to the Late Archaic fiber-tempered ceramic tradition (Sassaman 1993; Williams and Thompson 1999). The Area of Potential Effect for the current investigation was defined as that portion of the site lying within the 91.4 m (300 ft) wide proposed pipeline corridor. Systematic pedestrian survey, shovel testing, and hand excavated units were situated throughout the Area of Potential Effect associated with Site 9MF932 in an effort to identify intact cultural deposits and cultural features. Completion of the Phase II National Register testing and evaluation effort resulted in the recovery of 14 lithic artifacts and 2 ceramic artifacts; none of these artifacts were temporally diagnostic. Only 6 of the 16 (37.5 percent) artifacts recovered from the site originated from intact cultural deposits (i.e., from Strata II or III), including one of the two recovered sherds. Examination of the distribution of prehistoric artifacts both horizontally and vertically across the site area, however, demonstrated that mixing of the cultural components at Site 9MF932 has been substantial, thereby undermining the integrity of the cultural deposits found within the examined portions of the site. The research potential of the site is minimal. Site 9MF932 does not possess the qualities of significance as defined by the National Register of Historic Places Criteria of Evaluation(36 CFR 60.4 [a-d]). No additional testing of Site 9MF932 is recommended.