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A Cultural Resources Survey of the Gate one Project, Fort Gordon, Richmond County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Mr. Steve Willard, Chief, Directorate of Installation Support, Environmental and Natural Resources Management Division at Fort Gordon, Georgia, requested a cultural resources investigation of a proposed project area. This request was issued to fulfill the installation's compliance with Section 1 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. The project entails using approximately 30 acres ofFort Gordon property as borrow for a construction project located off-base. Only 1-2 acre wooded tract contains intact soil deposits; the remaining acres have been used previously for borrow or are reclaimed kaolin mines or clay pits. An intensive level survey was conducted by Julie Morgan, archeologist, Planning Division, on 17 August 1995. No cultural resources were recovered during the investigation, therefore the proposed project will have no adverse effect on cultural resources as there are none located within its boundaries. The present report has been prepared for coordination with the Georgia State Historic Preservation Officer in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.