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A Phase 1 Cultural Resources Survey of the Griffin Park Phase II Tract

Report Number
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In July of 2012, Resource Land Consultants of Savannah contracted with Brockington and Associates, Inc. to complete a Phase I cultural resources survey of the 196-acre Griffin Park Tract in Liberty County, Georgia. The tract is located east of l51h Street and north of Elma Miles Parkway within the city limitsof Hinesville, Georgia. The proposed development involves the construction of a new residential subdivision and all development associated with the undertaking. Brockington conducted the investigation in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended through 2000). The investigation was conducted as a permit requirement pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended through 2006). The study was conducted by personnel qualified under the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards (36 CFR Part 61-Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation). Background investigations consisted of an examination of archaeological site forms and historic resource forms for previously recorded sites and structures located either within or near (.5 miles) the Griffin Park Phase II Tract. In addition, files were reviewed to determine whether National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) listed sites were located within or near the tract. Background research did not identify any archaeological sites within the footprint of the tract or within a one-mile radius of the tract. Archival research revealed one previously recorded architectural resource 50 years old or older in the project's Area of Potential Effects (APE). Resource HR-1 was identified in 2005 as Li218 by the University of Georgia's Findlt survey of Liberty and Meriwether counties. The 2005 Findlt survey recorded Resource HR-1 's eligibility for listing on the NRHP as "undetermined;' although based on the findings in this investigation, it is recommended ineligible for listing on the NRHP. Furthermore, the historic architectural survey did not identify any previously unidentified historic resources located within the project's APE. No potential for direct or indirect effects to either archaeological or historic resources is anticipated by implementation of the proposed undertaking. Architectural survey of the Griffin Park Tract was conducted within a predetermined APE. For this project, the APE was defined as being the footprint of the proposed project tract and everything within a .25-mile radius. Historic architectural survey resulted in there-identification of one (1) previously recorded historic resource located outside the footprint of the property. This resource was assigned a Historic Resource (HR) number and plotted in the GIS dataset. Resource HR-1, a circa 1920s woodframed I-house with no academic style, is recommended ineligible for listing on the NRHP due to its loss of integrity in the areas of design, materials, workmanship, feeling and association and warrants no further management considerations. Archaeological field survey involved systematic 30-meter interval shovel testing and visual reconnaissance within boundaries of the Griffin Park Phase II Tract. Field survey did not identify any previously unrecorded archaeological resources. The cultural resource investigations of the Griffin Park Phase II Tract resulted in no newly recorded archaeological sites and one recommended not eligible structure located outside the footprint of the tract. In addition, no previously recorded NRHP eligible resources were identified within or near the project tract. One historic resource (HR- 1) was identified within the APE. Due to the nature of Resource HR-1 and the lack of direct impacts to it, a finding of no adverse effects is anticipated in regard to this historic resource. Brockington and Associates, Inc. recommend no additional cultural resource management is necessary in regard to the Griffin Park Phase II Tract as no previously recorded resources or newly recorded resources are affected by the proposed development.