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Report of Archaeological Resource Testing on Cultural Property 9Hk33 (Gp-Hk-08)

Report Number
Year of Publication

This document reports the methods, results and interpretations of a two week field assessment of certain cultural resources at GP-HK-08. Thirty-seven randomly located one meter square test pits were excavated to subsoil in the area slated for transmission line tower construction. The results indicate that the major cultural component of that portion of the property tested dates to the Dyar phase (A.D. 1450 - 1600) of the Lamar period. other, lesser components date to the Paleo-Indian or Early Archaic period and to the Historic period (1830 - 1860). Intact cultural features and A-horizon deposits were discovered and these contain significant data that will aid interpretation of late Mississippian period adaptations in the Georgia Piedmont. Investigation of a portion of this cultural property would offer an opportunity to investigate an upland settlement of the Dyar phase., Based on the findings of these investigations, it is recommended that data recovery be carried out at GP-HK-08 in the area designated for transmission line tower construction, prior to construction.