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Phase II Evaluative Testing at Site 9CH919

Report Number
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In February 2012, Resource and Land Consultants, Inc. contracted with Brockington and Associates, Inc. to complete Phase II archaeological testing of Site 9CH919, located in northern Chatham County, Georgia. The goal of this study was to evaluate Site 9CH919 in terms of eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), and provide management recommendations. The investigation was conducted as a permit requirement pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended). The study was conducted by personnel qualified under the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards (36 CPR Part 61-Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation). Previous archaeological investigations by Environmental Services, Inc. (Kratzer et al. 2000) had recommended the prehistoric component of Site 9CH919 potentially eligible for the NRHP. Kratzner and colleagues further recommended additional testing at this site to fully evaluate NRHP status if the site could not be avoided during future development. Current improvement plans for the site vicinity entail the construction of a mixed use development and all associated disruptions. Specific disruptions may involve clearing, grading, road construction, and drainage channels. Brockington conducted Phase II archaeological testing at Site 9CH919 to provide a definitive NRHP eligibility recommendation. This task was accomplished by conducting background research, completing field excavations to collect artifact samples and examine the potential for intact archaeological deposits, and assessing the potential for the site to address topics regarding past lifeways. Background investigations consisted of an examination of archaeological site forms and previous reports associated with Site 9CH919, as well as an examination of historic documents and other information located at the Effingham and Chatham County courthouses and local libraries. The investigations were accomplished to assist in developing a prehistoric and historic context for the study area, and to help interpret the historic period component identified during field investigations. Phase II field testing at Site 9CH919 consisted of the excavation of 94 shovel tests placed systematically at 15-m intervals across the site, followed by five judgmental shovel tests and the excavation of four test units in areas of higher artifact density to examine prehistoric site integrity, cultural components, features, and stratigraphy. The field testing resulted in the recovery of a moderate number of prehistoric Late Archaic and Woodland Period artifacts and a light scatter of historic late eighteenth- to early nineteenth-century materials. The artifacts were found in slightly mixed contexts, and no cultural features were identified. We considered that further investigations at Site 9CH919 are unlikely to provide significant and substantial amounts of data that can be used to address pertinent research questions regarding the Late Archaic, Early/ Middle Woodland, or historic occupations in the region. Therefore, we recommend Site 9CH919 ineligible for the NRHP. No further cultural resource management considerations of this site are warranted.