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Archaeological Resources Survey of the Dawson-Morgan Transmission Line Reroute, Calhoun County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On 3-4 November 2003, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive Phase I archaeological resources survey of the proposed 1.6 km ( 1.0 mi) Dawson-Morgan transmission line reroute in Calhoun County, Georgia (Figure 1 ). This survey consisted of background research and intensive archaeological field survey, and was conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 (as amended through 1992). Background research was conducted at the Historic Preservation Division, Department of Natural Resources in Atlanta, as well as the State Archaeological Site Files in Athens. Background research revealed no previously recorded archaeological resources within 0.8 km (0.5 mi) of the project corridor. Archaeological field survey methods included systematic shovel testing at 30 meter (98 ft) intervals along two transects within a 30.5 meter (1 00 ft) right-of-way. The corridor is a proposed realignment of an existing 46 kV transmission line which is to be rebuilt. Shovel tests were excavated until sterile subsoil was reached. Visual inspection augmented shovel testing in areas with good ground surface visibility. The Dawson-Morgan transmission line reroute corridor begins at the Cordray Mill Substation just south of State Route (SR) 45. From just south of the substation the transmission line extends due west for approximately 610 meters (2,000 ft) before turning southwest for approximately 1,159 meters (3,800 ft), at which point the reroute connects back with the original rebuilt line. The project area is bordered on the north by SR 45, on the east and south by overgrown field, and on the west by forested wetland associated with the Ichawaynochaway Creek (see Figure 1). An overgrown dirt road runs throughout the project corridor.