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Archaeological Survey Wastewater Treatment Facilities Talbotton, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

An archaeological survey reconnaissance was conducted on August 29, 1976, in the city of Talbotton, Georgia, at the proposed site of the Sewage System and Treatment Facilities. The purpose of this survey was to determine the presence and extent of archaeological remains in this area and to assess what impact the construction of the Treatment Facilities and associated pipeline would have on these archaeological resources. The survey area consisted of two primary treatment facilities and feet of pipeline right-of-way (see attached plan). The vegetative cover of the survey area included deciduous and coniferous forest with slight to medium ground cover. From an archaeological viewpoint, Site 1 appeared the most likely of the two primary areas to reveal archaeological remains because of the knoll on which it was situated and the presence of a small creek (Edwards) located adjacent to and slightly north of the treatment facilities. For this reason several test pits were excavated by shovel, and soil samples obtained with a hand auger and post-hole digger.