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Archaeological Survey of the Vogtle-Goshen No. 1, 230 kV Transmission Line, Richmond and Burke Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Southern Research, Historic Preservation Consultants, Inc., conducted an intensive archaeological survey of approximately 17.03 miles of the Vogtle-Goshen No. 1, 230 kV transmission line corridor Richmond and Burke Counties, Georgia. This existing transmission line corridor begins at the existing Goshen substation just south of Brown Road in Richmond County, and runs roughly southeast 17.03 miles to Hancock Landing Road, just north of Plant Vogtle in Burke County. The purpose of this survey was twofold: 1. Identify potentially significant cultural resources within the proposed corridor for the Vogtle-Goshen No. 1, 230 kV transmission line. 2. Revisit and reassess the NRHP eligibility of previously identified cultural resources within the Vogtle-Goshen Transmission Line Nos. 2 and 3 rights of way that have been recommended significant and potentially eligible for the NRHP in 1984. Archaeologists revisited 31 previously identified archaeological site locations (9Ri187-198, 9Bk87-93, and 9Bk95-106) during this investigation. In 14 instances, we were able to relocate sites from a 1984 survey that continued onto Vogtle-Goshen Line No. 1. In addition, three previously unidentified archaeological sites (9Ri1141-1143) were identified within the No. 1 corridor. The previously recorded sites were identified during cultural resource surveys conducted in 1984 prior to the construction of the Vogtle-Goshen Transmission Line Nos. 2 and 3 transmission lines. These sites were only revisited if they were previously recommended eligible/potentially eligible for the NRHP, or if they extended into the currently proposed transmission line replacement right of way (ROW). Of the 17 sites investigated during this survey, five sites (9Bk88, 9Bk97, 9Ri194, 9Ri1141, and 9Ri1142) are recommended potentially eligible for the NRHP. These sites should be avoided and protected from earthmoving activities associated with maintenance and construction within the Vogtle-Goshen Transmission Line Corridor. The remaining sites are recommended not eligible for the NRHP, and do not require further management consideration.