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Archaeological Assessment of Project IM-75-3(197), Gordon County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project is an interchange improvement at I-75 and SR 225 in Gordon County. The proposed project would begin on SR 225 west of I-75 ramps then would continue easterly to an ending point east of I-75 ramps. The project would add a single lane eastbound on the south side of SR 225 between the existing bridge columns and at the end of the bridge. The existing endroll would be replaced with a retaining wall also, some ramp reconstruction is included within the project area. The existing right-of-way on SR 225 is approximately 18 m (60 ft) . The total required right-of-way would vary from 18 to 42 m (60 to 140 ft) . An archaeological survey consistent with the proposed project's rights-of-way was conducted for the entire 0.6 km (0.4 mi) project corridor. No existing or potentially eligible National Register archaeological resources were located within the proposed project's area of potential environmental effect as described in paragraph two above. It is concluded, therefore, that the project will have no effect upon archaeological resources on or eligible for inclusion in the NRHP provided that the project conforms to that described above.".