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Cultrual Resources Survey for the Proposed Lower Towaliga River and Long Branch Water Supply Reservoir

Report Number
Year of Publication

In May 1990, Messrs. Robert S. Webb, Brian Gumbert, and John Doolin conducted a cultural resources survey of approximately 108 hectares (268 acres) in Henry County, Georgia for the Henry County Water and Sewage Authority. The project areas are being considered as a component of a drinking water supply reservoir system. Since the project will impact wetlands associated with Towaliga River and Long Branch Creek, an U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 permit is required. The permit dictates compliance with Section 106 of the Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-665; 80 STAT.915; 16 U.S.C. 470) as amended. A review of the state site files and the National Register of Historic Places revealed no previously recorded sites within the survey area. A review of historic maps and aerial photographs 1, pre-1940 complex (Steeles Mill) near the proposed lower Towalinga River Reservoir site. This historic structure is located below the proposed Towaling River dam site. Surface survey and shovel testing resulted in the discovery of 27 sites (18 on the lower Towalinga River Reservoir site, 9 on the Long Branch Reservoir Site) and 3 isolated finds. Archaic and Woodland period scatters, a 19th century mill and 20th century still sites were discovered. It is recommended that eight prehistoric lithic sites (HRW-2-4, 5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, and 17) be investigated in more detail. If they cannot be avoided, two additional sites (HRW-2-12 and 13) will require further work.