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Phase I Archaeological Survey of an Additional Parcel of the Gateway Tract

Report Number
Year of Publication

In January of 2011, New South Associates, Inc. conducted a Phase I Archaeological Survey of a parcel of land appended to the eastern portion of the existing Gateway Tract, a 125-acre parcel that was surveyed by New South in 2009. While the appended tract measures 11.5 acres in size, an area measuring approximately 18 acres was surveyed due to a discrepancy in the project boundary. This report represents an addendum to the 2009 report (Tucker 2009), and the reader is directed to the 2009 report for background information such as environmental and cultural context. As a result of the survey, three previously unknown archaeological sites were recorded. Sites 9CB632 and 9CB633, as well as the isolated finds, are recommended not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), while 9CB634 is recommended as potentially eligible for the NRHP under Criterion D. Upon concurrence with these recommendations by the State Historic Preservation Office, project activities within the areas of sites 9CB632 and 9CB633 may commence. Although 9CB634 is located almost entirely outside of the current project boundary, the very northern portion of the site extends into the project area, and project activities should not be conducted within its boundaries. If this site cannot be avoided, additional evaluation would be required.