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Historic Properties Management Plan for the Lake Blackshear Hydroelectric Project (FERC #659)

Report Number
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This Historic Properties Management Plan (HPMP) was developed to assist Crisp County Power Commission (CCPC) in protecting historic properties within the Lake Blackshear Project's area of potential effects (APE), and in integrating protection of historic properties with other Project management plans. This document was prepared as part of CCPC's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) relicensing application for the Lake Blackshear Project (FERC No. 659) (Project). CCPC owns and operates the Lake Blackshear Project under a hydropower license issued by the Commission on August 14, 1980. CCPC initiated the relicensing process under the procedures and guidance of the Commission, and in accordance with the Commission authorities provided in the Federal Power Act (FPA) of 1920 (16 United States Code [USC]§ 791a et seq.). Before issuing a new hydropower license, the Commission must comply with a number of federal laws, regulations, executive orders, policies, and guidelines. These requirements include compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 (16 USC 470 et seq., as amended) and the regulations implementing Section 106 issued by the Secretary of the Interior (36 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Part 800). Section 106 of the NHPA requires the Commission to take into account the effects of its undertaking (in this case, relicensing of a hydroelectric project) on historic properties and to afford the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) a reasonable opportunity to comment.