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GDOT Archaeological Assessment In-House Survey Report SR 316/US29 @ SR 81 Grade Separation. Reevaluation.

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project CSNHS-0008-00(429) is located approximately four miles south of the City of Winder in Barrow County, Georgia. The project proposes to grade separate the existing at-grade intersection of SR 316 at SR 81. The project proposes to raise SR 81 over SR 316, which would include provisions for a full interchange. The proposed interchange would not preclude the future widening of SR 316. The tight-urban diamond interchange design, alternative number 7, was selected after the analysis of eight alternatives for the interchange. The tight-urban diamond interchange was the preferred alternate due to its lowest overall cost, least displacements, and minimal impacts to open water. On SR 81, the project is proposed to begin approximately 0.22 miles south of the existing SR 316/SR 81 intersection and continue north along SR 81 for a total length of 0.54 miles. The proposed right-of-way will vary from 100 - 200 feet, existing right-of-way is 100 feet. The proposed work along SR 316 would be limited to tying in the entrance/exit ramps and erecting guardrail to protect the bridge columns in the median. On SR 316, the project is proposed to begin approximately 0.53 miles to the west of the existing SR 316/SR 81 intersection and continue east along SR 316 for a total length of approximately 1 mile. The proposed right-of-way for SR 316 will remain at 300 feet (current existing right-of-way). The right-of-way for proposed ramps in this project will vary from 90 – 100 feet from baseline. A bridge is also proposed for this project. A bridge (224 x 67 feet) is proposed on SR 81 with one through lane and one turn lane in each direction with 6 foot wide sidewalks on each side over SR 316. The bridge length is proposed to span the future 163.5 ft. wide travel way of SR 316. The existing intersection of SR 81/Exchange Blvd is proposed to be a cul-de-sac (Exchange Blvd Cul De Sac East) and relocated north approximately 320 feet. As a result of coordination with property owners/developers, the relocated Exchange Blvd is proposed to extend (stub out) west of SR 81 approximately 300 feet. In addition, to avoid land locking property owners, Exchange Blvd Cul De Sac West is proposed to provide connectivity to Exchange Blvd and therefore SR 81. This reeval focuses solely on the additional changes to the Exchange Blvd Cul De Sac West.