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Archaeological Testing for Proposed Bridge Realignment and Installation of New Interpretive Signs, Fort Pulaski National Monument, Savannah, Ga

Report Number
Year of Publication

In late November, 2013, Melissa Memory, Superintendent, Fort Pulaski National Monument (FOPU) contacted the Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) to request that we conduct archeological testing in advance of a proposed realignment of the Fort Pulaski Bridge. In addition, Superintendent Memory requested that, time permitting, SEAC conduct testing prior to the installation of a series of new interpretive signs to be placed throughout the park (Figure 1 ). The testing was conducted by SEAC archeologist Jessica McNeil between December 16 and 18, 2013, with travel days on the 16th and 18th. A series of eight shovel tests were excavated for the proposed bridge realignment, two on each side of the bridge on both the north and south banks. Twenty-five new interpretive signs/wayside exhibits were also planned for the park, seven of which required subsurface testing. All shovel tests were 30-40 centimeters (em) in diameter and were excavated to between 30 and 80 em below the ground surface (cmbs). The fill from all shovel tests was screened through 'l;; inch (0.64 em) hardware cloth. No artifacts were recovered during this project. The location of each shovel test was recorded with a Trimble GeoExplorer 6000 global positioning system (GPS) capable ofsubmeter accuracy.