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Addendum To: Across the Tracks and Under the Asphalt: Archival Research, Archaeological Geophysics Survey, and Soil Coring of the Proposed MultiModal Passenger Terminal (MMPT) Site

Report Number
Year of Publication

New South Associates, Inc. (NSA), and Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc. (EPEI), conducted additional geophysics survey and archival research for proposed new road networks related to the Georgia MultiModal Passenger Terminal (MMPT) Site in Fulton County, Georgia. The project has been conducted under contract with HNTB Corporation for the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). The current study is an addendum to the previous study for the proposed MMPT physical location (Patch et al. 2012). Results indicate the presence of 43 GPR anomalies. These were sorted into the same seven classes defined for the larger MMPT study area (Patch et al. 2012). Based on their spatial distribution and interpretations, these were further assigned to specific site boundaries. The boundary of previously recorded site 9FU584 has been revised to include Anomalies 251-285. Site 9FU585 is newly defined and contains GPR Anomalies 244-246. One additional area containing GPR Anomalies 247-250 was defined as an area of concern. At present, there is insufficient information to determine whether or not these anomalies should be defined as a site or if the anomalies are related to modern activities. NSA recommends that site 9FU584 (the Gulch) be considered eligible for the NRHP under Criteria A and D as noted in the original report. Insufficient information is available regarding site 9FU585 and its eligibility status for the NRHP is unknown. Effects to these two sites will need to be considered in project planning. The area of concern cannot be evaluated for the NRHP. Additional work may be necessary to determine whether or not the GPR anomalies in the area of concern are historic.